Week 20 FINAL Results - PGA Championship
Round Country Club Filter
1 30 36 19 Gretzky's Grandkid Hovland $2,516,000 McIlroy $719,886 Schauffele $6,660,000 $9,895,886
2 17 8 1 Old Sugarbush Koepka, B $0 McIlroy $719,886 Schauffele $6,660,000 DeChambeau $1,998,000 $1,770,076 $9,377,886
3 2 2 3 Mojo Koepka, B $0 Schauffele $6,660,000 Scheffler $1,042,836 Morikawa $814,000 $586,076 $8,516,836
4 6 24 13 I Never Slice McIlroy $719,886 Schauffele $6,660,000 Scheffler $1,042,836 $8,422,722
5 1 1 2 Punch Draw McIlroy $719,886 Rahm $0 Schauffele $6,660,000 Morikawa $814,000 $814,000 $8,193,886
6 32 16 15 GrammyTee DeChambeau $3,996,000 Koepka, B $0 Rahm $0 Schauffele $3,330,000 Lowry $639,440 $3,741,516 $7,965,440
7 7 20 21 Dirty Birdies Aberg $0 McIlroy $719,886 Schauffele $6,660,000 Theegala $359,943 $359,943 $7,739,829
T-8 10 23 4 Crouching Tiger Koepka, B $227,924 Rahm $0 Schauffele $6,660,000 Morikawa $814,000 $814,000 $7,701,924
T-8 31 34 39 Ed Asner Koepka, B $227,924 Niemann $0 Schauffele $6,660,000 Morikawa $814,000 $680,304 $7,701,924
10 16 49 46 Sizzlinbunz DeChambeau $3,996,000 Koepka, B $0 Rahm $0 Morikawa $814,000 Hovland $1,258,000 $1,844,076 $6,068,000
11 13 40 26 Beavers DeChambeau $3,996,000 Koepka, B $0 McIlroy $719,886 Hovland $1,258,000 $1,030,076 $5,973,886
12 12 15 5 Schnack's Hacks DeChambeau $3,996,000 McIlroy $719,886 Scheffler $1,042,836 $5,758,722
13 9 32 31 Boxliquors McCarthy $0 McIlroy $719,886 Morikawa $1,628,000 Schauffele $3,330,000 $3,330,000 $5,677,886
T-14 38 18 6 El Mexican Wolverine DeChambeau $3,996,000 Koepka, B $0 McIlroy $719,886 Morikawa $814,000 $586,076 $5,529,886
T-14 5 43 54 My Gulbis Itches! DeChambeau $3,996,000 McIlroy $719,886 Scheffler $0 Morikawa $814,000 $-228,836 $5,529,886
16 47 29 29 Everyday Albatross Koepka, B $0 Morikawa $1,628,000 Rahm $0 Schauffele $3,330,000 Theegala $359,943 $3,462,019 $5,317,943
17 4 37 56 I nutted that thing Aberg $0 Koepka, B $0 Scheffler $1,042,836 Schauffele $3,330,000 Morikawa $814,000 $3,916,076 $5,186,836
18 11 4 7 Shankapadomiss DeChambeau $3,996,000 Koepka, B $0 Rahm $0 Morikawa $814,000 Theegala $359,943 $946,019 $5,169,943
T-19 40 42 37 Turf Hacker Aberg $0 Clark, W $0 McIlroy $719,886 Schauffele $3,330,000 Morikawa $814,000 $4,144,000 $4,863,886
T-19 14 48 44 Saskatchewan and Sand Greens Aberg $0 Koepka, B $0 McIlroy $719,886 Morikawa $814,000 Schauffele $3,330,000 $3,916,076 $4,863,886
21 25 31 41 Balls Deep DeChambeau $3,996,000 McIlroy $719,886 Spieth $97,938 $4,813,824
T-22 15 22 22 Bubba's Hovercraft Aberg $0 Koepka, B $227,924 Rahm $0 Morikawa $814,000 Schauffele $3,330,000 $4,144,000 $4,371,924
T-22 50 46 25 3 Putt Chump Aberg $0 Koepka, B $227,924 Rahm $0 Schauffele $3,330,000 Morikawa $814,000 $4,144,000 $4,371,924
T-24 26 7 12 On the Beach Koepka, B $0 McIlroy $719,886 Rahm $0 DeChambeau $1,998,000 Hovland $1,258,000 $3,028,076 $3,975,886
T-24 18 12 27 Noonan's Army Aberg $0 Koepka, B $0 McIlroy $719,886 DeChambeau $1,998,000 Hovland $1,258,000 $3,028,076 $3,975,886
26 53 38 33 Illini Aberg $0 Koepka, B $0 Scheffler $1,042,836 Morikawa $814,000 DeChambeau $1,998,000 $2,584,076 $3,854,836
T-27 22 45 20 FFSake McIlroy $719,886 Rahm $0 Scheffler $1,042,836 DeChambeau $1,998,000 $1,998,000 $3,760,722
T-27 23 53 51 Balls Dropping Koepka, B $0 McIlroy $719,886 Scheffler $1,042,836 DeChambeau $1,998,000 $1,770,076 $3,760,722
T-27 37 56 45 Fore right! Koepka, B $0 McIlroy $719,886 Scheffler $1,042,836 DeChambeau $1,998,000 $1,770,076 $3,760,722
T-30 20 6 8 Two Way Miss Koepka, B $0 McIlroy $719,886 Rahm $0 DeChambeau $1,998,000 Morikawa $814,000 $2,584,076 $3,531,886
T-30 29 17 38 Bushwood Elite Koepka, B $0 McIlroy $719,886 Rahm $0 Morikawa $814,000 DeChambeau $1,998,000 $2,584,076 $3,531,886
32 56 55 49 TideBeRollin Hovland $2,516,000 Koepka, B $227,924 McIlroy $719,886 $3,463,810
T-33 8 28 58 Arlo 14.0 Koepka, B $227,924 Niemann $0 Rahm $0 DeChambeau $1,998,000 Morikawa $814,000 $2,678,304 $3,039,924
T-33 19 39 53 Team Zissou Aberg $0 Koepka, B $227,924 Rahm $0 DeChambeau $1,998,000 Morikawa $814,000 $2,812,000 $3,039,924
35 58 25 10 Fore Play Aberg $0 Koepka, B $227,924 McIlroy $719,886 DeChambeau $1,998,000 $1,998,000 $2,945,810
36 36 21 30 The Raging Raincoats Homa $158,366 McIlroy $719,886 Rahm $0 DeChambeau $1,998,000 $1,998,000 $2,876,252
T-37 3 9 14 Team LIV Koepka, B $0 McIlroy $719,886 Scheffler $1,042,836 Morikawa $814,000 $586,076 $2,576,722
T-37 51 26 9 Drunk by the Turn Koepka, B $0 McIlroy $719,886 Scheffler $1,042,836 Morikawa $814,000 $586,076 $2,576,722
T-37 55 54 35 Trigger Koepka, B $0 McIlroy $719,886 Scheffler $1,042,836 Morikawa $814,000 $586,076 $2,576,722
40 34 10 32 Tueazy Koepka, B $0 McIlroy $719,886 Rahm $0 Theegala $359,943 Hovland $1,258,000 $1,390,019 $2,337,829
T-41 28 11 16 Bob Does Sports Koepka, B $0 Rahm $0 Scheffler $1,042,836 Morikawa $814,000 Theegala $359,943 $946,019 $2,216,779
T-41 48 58 59 Mr Trombone Koepka, B $0 Rahm $0 Scheffler $1,042,836 Morikawa $814,000 Theegala $359,943 $946,019 $2,216,779
T-43 44 14 40 Shooter Mcgavin Koepka, B $227,924 Rahm $0 Scheffler $1,042,836 Morikawa $814,000 $814,000 $2,084,760
T-43 39 27 28 Breakfast Ball Aberg $0 Koepka, B $227,924 Scheffler $1,042,836 Morikawa $814,000 $814,000 $2,084,760
T-43 54 35 36 Check The Cup Koepka, B $227,924 Rahm $0 Scheffler $1,042,836 Morikawa $814,000 $814,000 $2,084,760
T-43 52 41 43 Need team name Aberg $0 Koepka, B $227,924 Scheffler $1,042,836 Detry $814,000 $814,000 $2,084,760
T-47 24 3 17 Speculatives Koepka, B $227,924 McIlroy $719,886 Scheffler $1,042,836 $1,990,646
T-47 35 5 11 Crystal Balls Koepka, B $227,924 McIlroy $719,886 Scheffler $1,042,836 $1,990,646
T-47 41 30 55 Glitterballs Koepka, B $227,924 McIlroy $719,886 Scheffler $1,042,836 $1,990,646
T-47 49 59 57 Arnie's Army Koepka, B $227,924 McIlroy $719,886 Thomas, J $1,042,836 $1,990,646
51 27 13 18 Different Strokes Aberg $0 Koepka, B $0 McIlroy $719,886 Morikawa $814,000 Theegala $359,943 $946,019 $1,893,829
52 57 44 24 Brooks’ Bombers Fowler $50,404 McIlroy $719,886 Scheffler $1,042,836 $1,813,126
53 45 19 34 Dogleg Daryl Koepka, B $227,924 McIlroy $719,886 Rahm $0 Morikawa $814,000 $814,000 $1,761,810
54 21 47 47 Dude,where's my par? Aberg $0 McIlroy $719,886 Scheffler $0 Theegala $359,943 Lowry $639,440 $-43,453 $1,719,269
55 42 52 42 Fred's Funk Homa $0 Koepka, B $227,924 Scheffler $1,042,836 Theegala $359,943 $201,577 $1,630,703
56 33 51 50 Fairwaysandgreens Aberg $0 Koepka, B $227,924 Rahm $0 Morikawa $814,000 Theegala $359,943 $1,173,943 $1,401,867
57 43 33 23 I Need Strokes Koepka, B $0 Rahm $0 Smith, Cam $50,404 Morikawa $814,000 Theegala $359,943 $946,019 $1,224,347
58 59 57 52 Al's Pal's Koepka, B $227,924 Niemann $133,696 Rahm $0 $361,620
59 46 50 48 Rip Republic Koepka, B $227,924 Rahm $0 Smith, Cam $50,404 $278,328